
Moving to Melbourne

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

After several months of preparation I finally hopped on a plane to Australia last Saturday to spend a semester abroad in Melbourne. And well, that's also why it has been so quiet on the blog since preparations and then exploring the city took up all of my time.

Ready to leave
It all started with trying my best to fit everything I need for the next few months into my backpack, but fortunately this wasn't as hard as I expected. Although I have to admit that my mum was right and that I should have taken a thicker winter coat with me. Because, yes, it actually gets cold in Australia.
Then on the 11th July I finally made my way to the airport and after a 25 hour journey made it to Melbourne. The first week I spent in a hostel together with a friend of mine from Germany who is currently living in Perth. Besides exploring the city, I also arranged lots of practical stuff during the week and luckily I managed to find a nice room as well. Then on Monday I went to the University for the first to arrange more paper stuff. The time here is flying by and I'm a little bit restless. Being in a new country, a new city always excites me and reminds me why I love traveling so much. I find nothing more relaxing than just walking around a new place without a map, getting lost, spending too much money in good restaurants, and meeting new likeminded people. I must say I never quite understood while so many Europeans are desperate to explore Australia, but after just little over one week here In Melbourne I think I get it. People here a really laid back and super friendly and there is always something going on. Just thinking about all the amazing trips Sarah and I will be doing (because yes she's going to join me here in a few months) leaves me with the biggest smile on my face. This right here is how I love to live my life exploring new places, different lifestyles, and constantly learning something new. So as you might be able to imagine my life is fairly hectic at the moment so for now I just leave you with some pictures I took while exploring Melbourne, but I promise to get back to you soon with more detailed posts.

View of the CBD from Fitzroy
Exploring the street art at Hosier Lane
Queen Victoria Market
Palmtrees & skyscrapers
View from the Shrine of Remembrance
Exploring the Royal Botanical Garden
Exploring the street art at Hosier Lane (2)

- Svenja

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