
Better results while spending less time sutdying?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Here in Amsterdam, I have exams more or less every 3-4 weeks, so it's save to say that I have gotten used to exam stress by now. Needless to say I still don't really enjoy sitting in a library all day long. So here are a few tips and tricks that always get me through exam period and help to study efficiently.

1. Take breaks. And I mean take quite a few of them. Don't try to force yourself to study. Of course every once in a while I really need to kick my own ass to get up early and go to the library, but if I really don't feel like studying I learned to rather take a break and relax. Believe me a little break here and there can work wonders and your study progress. I personally really like to go into the city and discover some new stores or just take a walk. The other day I discovered "Vegabond" (Vegan café/supermarket) and their carrot ginger juice got me right back on track which brings me right to point no. 2:

2. Eat healthy. And I mean eat delicious but healthy foods. Eating crap will eventually result in you feeling like crap. So rather sit down to a nice-cooked dinner together with a friend and don't forget to prepare some tasty snacks before going to the library (more about snacks here). I know it seems a lot easier to just grab a chocolate bar in the cafeteria then to walk all the way to the next grocery store to get some fruit, but your body and mind will thank you. Or just prepare in advance and get some delicious Cliff bars or other vegan snack bars.

Healthy snack idea: Vegan snack bars (photo at Vegabond)
Vegan mushroom risotto - recipe will be up soon

3. Study environment. Choose an environment that makes you feel comfortable whether that's the library, a café our your own room. Just make sure you don't have too many distractions around you. Try to stay offline while studying (I'm still working on this one) and really use the time you spent in front of your desk. I can get double the work load done in 3-4 hours while I'm concentrated than during a whole day where I constantly end up on Facebook or my scrolling through my favorite blogs. Personally I like to buy some fresh flowers to make my room look pretty and lift my mood.

4. Don't stress too much. Just give it your best and you are likely to succeed. Putting too much pressure on yourself will not help your study success but only leave you stressed out and tired.


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