
Where to go on holiday this summer?

Monday, March 30, 2015
Off we go Being a quite passionate traveller, I always try to experience as much as possible in the limited amount of time I get to spend in a city or country. That's why I rather like to go on road trips or several shorter trips per year than one long holiday spent at the beach. Now of course I do love the...


Vegan life

How To Eat Vegan With Your Non-Vegan Friends Around

Friday, March 27, 2015
There is nothing better during exam periods than to spend a nice evening having dinner with your friends. It's so relaxing and always gives me something to look forward to when studying all day. Now, I know that it can be though having dinner with friends when you are vegan and they're not, but offering to cook yourself often does the trick. Also,...



Ghana Temporarily Bans GMO

Monday, March 23, 2015
Genetically Modified Organisms and Genetic Engineering are issues all around the world now. In my home country Germany they are discussed a lot currently, due to the upcoming Transatlantic Trading and Investment Partnership (TTIP). A lot of European NGOs and media critizise that this free trade agreement will weaken national bans and activism against GMOs and also enable corporations like Monsanto and Syngenta...



My Top 5 Travelling Destinations in Ghana

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
I've now been in Ghana for more than half a year. Apart from wanting to experiene every day life in one community and a Ghanaian family, travelling as much as possible was also one of my projects. Therefore, I have used many weekends, holidays and school vacations as an opportunity to see some more of the country. Until now I have managed to...



Neigbour Food Market

Sunday, March 15, 2015
This Sunday I finally went to the Neighour Food Market in Amsterdam West. Because the thing is I always plan to go to all those fun events and then somehow often end up watching Netflix in my bed instead. Especially during the colder months this happens more often than I'd like to admit. Also this time, one of my friends had to kindly...



Better results while spending less time sutdying?

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Here in Amsterdam, I have exams more or less every 3-4 weeks, so it's save to say that I have gotten used to exam stress by now. Needless to say I still don't really enjoy sitting in a library all day long. So here are a few tips and tricks that always get me through exam period and help to study efficiently. 1....



How to spend a long weekend in Ghana

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Last weekend was a long one because Ghana had something to celebrate: the 6th of March is Independence Day. And what do they do on the 6th of March? They march (good pun, I know). At least the school children do, they come together in their school uniforms at the stadium and march in a kind of parade and because this is really...



Things that don't fit into most people's cliche of Africa but are perfectly normal in Ghana, No. 2

Wednesday, March 04, 2015
FanIce in Ghana As a European living in Ghana I have made the experience that there are a lot of things that don't fit into most people's image of an African country but at the same time these very things are completely normal in Ghana. Even though I've had a lot of preparation in Germany before (and lost some of my illusions there...